Illustration / Print OERSTERK x GEMBER MEMBER | ILLUSTRATION RICHARD DE LETH OERSTERK For the collaboration of Richard de Leth (OERsterk) with Gember Member (a ginger shot company) I made the Illustration of Richard de Leth for the bottle. PROGRAMS & TECHNICAL INFO: Adobe Illustrator designillustratorprint Further Reading... DESIGN | MUSEUM NIGHT 2022 | CAFE DE BLAFFENDE VIS x DE NIEUWE KERK OERSTERK | LOGO DESIGN | OERkracht & OERslank | E-LEARNING OERSTERK TheatertOER | ART DIRECTION & DESIGN | CAMPAIGN VISUAL | PRESENTATION | LANDING PAGE Previous Post OERSTERK TheatertOER | ART DIRECTION & DESIGN | CAMPAIGN VISUAL | PRESENTATION | LANDING PAGE